GetCoveredTenn- Family & Children's Services

GetCovered Tennessee, a healthcare access program of Family and Children’s Service, is a great resource here in Tennessee! They are the state grantee for connecting uninsured Tennesseans with health insurance through TNCARE/CoverKids/Affordable Care Act. FCS is a non-profit offering free healthcare access service in all 95 Tennessee counties, and their services are free of charge. In addition to enrollment, they also provide educational training on TNCARE/Coverkids/Affordable Care Act or Health Assist Safety net programs, such as how to use your insurance coverage and what the insurance terms mean. 

GetCoveredTenn is a non-profit program providing free health insurance enrollment and healthcare advice to all Tennesseans. GetCoveredTenn has a team of 20 experts to help Tennesseans find quality healthcare through affordable insurance, access to community-based healthcare services, or both. Their services are free and unbiased.

If clients are eligible for the Affordable Care Act, the link below explains how our Get Covered Tennessee Certified Navigators can assist them:

TennCare is Tennessee’s Medicaid system. It covers more than 1.5 million Tennesseans. CoverKids is Tennessee’s Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). It covers children and pregnant women.  While they are different program, both are administered by the Tennessee State Division of TennCare. In 2018 an estimated 55,719 children were eligible for TennCare or CoverKids but were not enrolled.  

If clients are eligible for TNCARE /CoverKids, the link below explains how Family & Children Services' Get Covered Tennessee Health Assist Specialist can assist them:

Some clients are “in the gap” meaning they are not eligible for TNCARE/CoverKids nor Affordable Care Act because Tennessee did not expand Medicaid. We offer safety net assistance to these clients through our Health Assist program. Health Assist provides underinsured as well as uninsured Tennesseans with information on and referral to low and no-cost, community-based health care resources, including medical, dental, vision, prescription, mental health, and other resources. Specialists also screen all callers for eligibility for additional publicly funded health insurance programs.

 Find Family & Children's Services resources below, including resources in Spanish and Arabic:

2022 Flyer

FCS Programs 

ACA General Flyer 2022

ACA General Flyer Spanish

ACA General Flyer Arabic

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